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Girlguiding Bedfordshire
31 Lordsmead, Cranfield, MK43 0HP
07985 599216
Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK. Our amazing volunteers inspire girls to find their voice and be their best. If you're looking to work with young people, gain voluntary experience or develop skills from first aid to fundraising, it's time to get involved. Our volunteers work directly with Rainbows (aged 5 to 7), Brownies (aged 7 to 10), Guides (aged 10-14), Rangers (aged 14 to 18)) or in a variety of support roles. Volunteering is flexible and can be arranged to fit around a busy lifestyle. Do something amazing - help us to give girls in your local community more opportunities for fun, friendship, challenge and adventure. Volunteering’s never been so much fun!
Client Groups: Young People, Families/Parents, Women, Children,
Services Provided: Uniformed Organisations,