Funding opportunities, application dates and fund amounts are constantly changing so use the links provided to get up to date details. For any general queries, or support in preparing to make a funding application, please use the information on the supporting pages on this website, or contact the CVS Funding and Development team.
(It is a long list, so if you want to get to a particular funder quickly, use <CTRL F> on your keyboard and type in the keyword you are looking for. You will be taken to the first instance of that keyword.)
Angus Brewer Community Fund
Grants for groups seeking funds for community projects in the Caddington area of Central Bedfordshire
The John Apthorp Charity
Grants to registered charities that help the young, the old, the disabled and the general community in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.
Bedford Borough Council
Grants for Bedford Borough area only for general charitable purposes from the following funds:
- Community Chest Fund – core or project funding for established voluntary, charitable organisations and community groups. Small grants – at the Mayor’s discretion – for organisations which are also seeking funding from elsewhere.
- The House of Industry Estate – grants to voluntary, community and charitable organisations to reduce the needs, hardship or distress of Borough residents. For one-off, non-recurrent funding for specific projects or emergencies.
- Rural Grants Scheme - Funding for rural organisations or rural Parish Councils for capital projects that are in the interests of local inhabitants. Applications must be submitted through the relevant Parish Council.
The Mayor's Climate Change Fund
Up to 50% match funding (from £5,000 up to £20,000) for improvements that reduce carbon emissions and energy costs of community buildings within Bedford Borough.
- Members' Ward Fund - Ward councillors can give small grants to projects to address specific local priorities. These can be applied for by any resident or community group. The purpose of the funds is to improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of Bedford Borough.
Bedford Phsical Education Old Student's Association (BPEOSA) - The Education Project Fund
The fund is available to anyone who is undertaking a project which is concerned with the advancement of physical education, dance or sport. The results or findings should be disseminated to enable public benefit.
Beds and Herts Historic Churches Trust
Funds available to help with restoration, repair and development of churches and chapels in the counties of Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.
The Bedfordshire Charitable Trust
Grants are available for charitable purposes, with preference being given to local community-based projects.
Contact: Tel: 01234352840, Address: Ladyslaude Court, Bramley Way, Bedford, MK41 7FX
Bedfordshire & Luton Community Foundation
A variety of grants to local community groups and charities in Bedfordshire. Specific criteria apply to each different fund, so please review the website to select the fund that is right for your organisation.
Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner's Grant Fund
For organisations and projects whose work helps to prevent offending, protect communities and support victims of crime to cope, recover and move forward. Funding priorities are set annually with funding available at specified times through the year.
Bergqvist Charitable Trust
Makes grants to registered charities and community organisations working in education, health and the environment in Buckinghamshire and neighbouring counties. Also gives assistance towards disaster and famine relief in the third world.
Contact: email: Tel: 01296 748560
Biffa Award
Provides funding to projects according to a specific range of themes, including community buildings, recreation, biodiversity and partnership. These must satisfy criteria in relation to proximity to Biffa operations, and to landfill sites. Please use the postcode checker on the site and read the guidance carefully.
Farley Big Local (FBL) Community Chest
Grants for activities that benefit residents of Farley Hill in Luton, by bringing the community together, improving parks, green and open spaces, or supporting social enterprise and learning opportunities.
Central Bedfordshire Council - Ward Councillor Grant Scheme
Each Central Bedfordshire Councillor has been allocated £2,000 per annum to help their local community. The scheme will fund capital items relating to cultural, environmental, sporting or social projects and there is a match funding requirement. Applicants must be able to explain how their project will benefit the local community and must speak to their Ward Councillor before applying.
Central Bedfordshire Council - Community Asset Grant Scheme
Local voluntary and community organisations, town and parish councils can bid for matched-funding grants of up to £25,000 to invest in capital projects, such as a new roof for a village hall or to improve access for people with disabilities.
Clophill United Charities
Makes grants to groups in Clophill that work with children/young people, elderly/old people and people with disabilities.
More information here. Contact: Tel: 01525 860539
The Francis Coales Charitable Foundation
Grants for the structural repair of ecclesiastical buildings (built before 1875) which are open to the public. Preference is given to churches in the counties of Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Northamptonshire. Grants are occasionally made towards publication of architectural and archaeological books and papers; towards the purchase of documents and items for record offices and museums; for archaeological research and related causes.
The Connolly Foundation
Grants to a range of organisations and projects across Bedfordshire and Luton – to help communities, assist the elderly and provide funding for young people in education.
If the Foundation is not accepting applications at any time, it is possible to register an interest on their website.
William Delafield Charitable Trust
Grants for restoration of records or archives of historical societies/bodies, or restoration of historic churches. Recipients are usually within the counties of Bedfordshire, Bucks or Oxfordshire and of known interest to the trustees.
Contact: William Delafield Charitable Trust, Withy King, North Bailey House, New Inn Hall Street, Oxford, OX1 2EA. Tel: 01865 268664 Email:
Dunstable - Section 106 Community Funding
Funds projects that develop and / or improve village halls or community centres in Dunstable. This could be an extension, new kitchen or toilet facility, installation of a hearing loop or other improvements. Routine maintenance such as painting and decorating is not generally supported.
FCC Communities Foundation
FCC Community Action Fund issues grants for the improvement of community facilities, including play areas, skate parks, community gardens, woodland improvements, greens and public parks, nature reserves, buildings & village halls. Please use the distance checker on the site to check eligibility and read the guidance carefully.
Felmersham and Radwell Community Trust
Grants to provide facilities for social welfare, recreation and leisure, in co-operation with other relevant organisations, for the benefit of the inhabitants of the villages of Felmersham and Radwell.
Freemasons, Lions, Rotaries and Roundtables
Bedfordshire Freemasons, Rotaries and Lions may provide funding for voluntary sector projects:
- Freemasons: List of Local Freemasons Lodges here.
- Rotaries: Find your local Rotary Club here.
- Lions: Find your local Lions Club here.
- Roundtable: Find your local Roundtable Club here.
The Gale Family Charity Trust
Makes donations to charitable causes in Bedfordshire – including churches and church ministries.
Contact: Alistair Law, Northwood House, 138 Bromham Road, Bedford, MK40 2QW Tel: 01234 354508
Mick George Community Fund
The fund, managed by GrantScape, provides grants for community projects and for capital improvements to public amenities. Projects must be within a defined area in the East/Midlands, including Bedford Borough and part of North Central Bedfordshire.
The Harpur Trust
The Harpur Trust provides grants to groups who run projects helping to improve the lives of people in Bedford Borough – through education, recreation or relief. Priority areas are transitions, resilience and isolation.
The IBC Vehicles Ltd Employees’ Charity Fund
Grants are available to non-political and non-denominational registered charities or charitable organisations, providing community health care, in the East and South East or England - normally within a 25 mile radius of Luton.
Contact: Paul Geary (Trustee), PO Box 163, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU2 0TY. Tel: 01582 408163.
Kempston Charities
Grants for organisations that support residents of Kempston and Kempston Rural who are in need.
Langford and Biggleswade Windfarm Community Fund
Provides grants to groups or organisations for projects located within (or primarily supporting the residents of) the Parish Boundaries of Langford and Biggleswade. Projects must be supported by one of these parish councils and must meet at least one from a list of environmental/community/sustainability criteria.
Robert Lucas for the Poor and for Public Purposes
Grants to groups in Shefford.
Contact: email - , Tel: Tel: 01462812265
Marston Vale Community Fund
Grants for schools, community groups or projects that will be used for public benefit within the Forest of Marston Vale. Activities and projects considered – educational, community, energy efficiency, environmental, community amenities.
Municipal Charities including The Norah Mavis Campbell Trust
Applications may be made by voluntary, community and charitable organisations, or by individuals, for grants to be used for the benefit of older people in need in Bedford Borough and, specifically for the Norah Mavis Campbell Trust, those resident at the Puttenhoe home for the elderly.
Contact Bedford Borough Council, 3rd Floor, Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP Tel: 01234 228193.
Application form can be downloaded here.
The Neighbourly Charitable Trust
Grants to organisations in Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire for the benefit of those with disabilities, the disadvantaged or those with special needs. The trust also owns a yacht and a narrow boat which have been adapted for use by people with disabilities and are leased free of charge to appropriate charities.
The Panacea Charitable Trust
Funds for projects that provide the relief of poverty and sickness (including mental health) and advance education in the area, where beneficiaries are from the town of Bedford or the surrounding area.
The Potton Consolidated Charities
Grants to groups in Potton that involve projects relating to education/training, health, poverty, amateur sport and creation.
Christopher H R Reeves Trust
Provides grants for food allergy research, education and disability, residential care and development in the area of North Bedfordshire and immediate surrounds. They prefer to fund charities already associated with the Charity.
Contact: email:
Mrs B L Robinson’s Charitable Trust
Grants to charitable organisations in Bedfordshire (or national charities to run local projects in Bedfordshire). Priority given to project work rather than running costs.
Contact: Dawn Haestier, Tel: 07760 438142
Rookery South Community Trust Fund (CTF)
This fund, managed by Grantscape, is for the direct benefit of the community within the following Parishes: Ampthill, Brogborough, Cranfield, Houghton Conquest, Lidlington, Maulden, Marston Moreteyne, Millbrook, Stewartby or Wootton.
Eranda Rothschild Foundation
Makes donations to registered charities working in medical research, education and the arts. Priority is given to those in Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire.
Rugby Group Benevolent Fund (Kensworth)
Aims to support the welfare of employees and former employees, and their dependants in the areas in which the group operates, which includes Kensworth in Bedfordshire. Grants are made to charitable causes that provide public benefit in the Kensworth area.
Leslie Sell Charitable Trust
Grants for scout and guide groups in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. For small projects such as building repair works, transport or equipment; for individuals and groups making trips in the UK and overseas and for widening engagement and involvement in the Scouting movement.
Sandy Charities
Makes grants to groups in Sandy that work with children/young people, elderly/old people and people with disabilities.
Contact: email:, Tel: 01767 680251
Steel Charitable Trust
Grants to registered charities in the UK, (including organisations who have applied for charitable status and exempt charities) and to museums, for use in arts and culture, education, environment, disadvantage or health. Applications from Bedfordshire and Luton particularly encouraged.
St Johns Hospital Trust
Small grants for charities in Bedford which benefit the local community.
Town & Parish Councils
Town & Parish Councils in both Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire will often provide small grants for good causes in their community.
- Bedford Borough Town & Parish Councils – contact details here
- Central Bedfordshire Town & Parish Councils – contact details here
Town Council Grants are available from:
- Ampthill Town Council
- Biggleswade Town Council
- Dunstable Town Council
- Flitwick Town Council
- Houghton Regis Town Council
- Leighton Linslade Town Council
- Sandy Town Council
Town Lands Charity (Cheddington)
Makes Grants to groups in Cheddington (near Leighton Buzzard).
Veolia Environmental Trust
Funding for improvements to community buildings, sports facilities, public parks, conservation of historic buildings and biodiversity. Please use the postcode checker on the site to check eligibility and read the guidance carefully.
Voluntary Organisations for Children, Young People and Families (VOCypf)
Bursaries for training courses to organisations working with children, young people and families in Bedfordshire.
The John Warren Foundation
Grants for building repairs to small churches in Lincolnshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire.
Contact: Lamb & Holmes Solicitors, West Street, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN16 0AZ. Tel: 01536 513195. Email:
The Vauxhall Welfare Fund was set up in 1994. It is a registered charity that supports Vauxhall employees, Vauxhall retirees, their spouses and their dependents.
Wixamtree Trust
Grants for one-off projects, core costs and research, primarily made to charitable bodies based in Bedfordshire or projects that benefit the people of Bedfordshire.
Updated February 2021