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Fit for Funding Outcomes and Impact

  • Tuesday 1 October 2024
  • 11:30 - 14:00
  • FREE
  • Luton Irish Forum
Fit for Funding Outcomes and Impact

This free workshop will help you to clearly link your aims, outcomes and activities in your funding applications. Many funders now require you to do this, and if you’re not, or not doing it well, it could affect your chances of success.

We will explore a systematic approach to planning how you present your projects in your funding applications to help you to:

  • Be able to apply the theory of change to your own organisation / project
  • Identify & explain the need for your work
  • Understand the importance and application of: aims, outcomes, activities, milestones and impact
  • Be able to construct robust outcomes for your organisation / project
  • Use the theory of change framework to link outcomes and impact to needs

Workshops are delivered by one of our Funding and Development Advisors. 

To reserve a place on one of our workshops, please contact giving the following information –

  • name of workshop
  • date of workshop
  • name of delegate
  • email of delegate
  • mobile number of delegate
  • organisation name of delegate

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