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Going Green with Volunteering

05 October 2021

A look at climate change and environment based organisations and volunteering opportunities in Bedfordshire.

The last two weeks of September have seen Recycle week and The Big Green Week, with events both national and local. Recycle week encourages people to recycle more and this year’s theme was ‘Step It Up’ urging everyone to join the fight against Climate Change. Big Green Week events took place last week in Luton, Biggleswade, Ampthill, Leighton Buzzard, Eaton Socon and Bedford so it is more than likely that you encountered someone somewhere campaigning for a better environment.

With COP26* coming up this month in Glasgow, we thought we would take a look at the Climate Change and environment based volunteering opportunities that exist in and around Bedfordshire for those of you who are keen to do something to help save the planet.

Whether you are a recycling or repurposing fanatic, a nature lover, a vegetable grower or a campaigner, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and a wealth of organisations taking on the climate change issue as a serious concern, giving direction to their activities.

Bedfordshire Climate Change Forum is a voluntary community organisation and campaign group deeply concerned about climate change’s effects on people and the planet.  We spoke to chair, campaigner and local councillor Lucy Bywater, who was at the Great Big Green Week event in Bedford, and asked her a few questions:


Lucy at the Big Green Week Vegan Fair in Bedford 2021. Photocredit: Chiara Mac Call Photography

Asked why she got involved with the group, Lucy told us:

“I’ve been an environmental campaigner for nearly 20 years. Once you get a clear understanding of the damage that our current systems continue to do, I feel you can’t go back to not knowing to be honest, but also, I have hope that together we can still turn things around. We only have one planet.”

Explaining what BCCF does, Lucy says:

“We are a group of people who share a deep concern about the climate crisis and the threats to people and to biodiversity. We feel we have a collective responsibility to limit and mitigate as far as possible the dangers wrought by manmade climate change. In order to address these aims we do the following:

  • Help promote local low-carbon and sustainable communities and initiatives in Beds and beyond.
  • Address positive actions for climate justice such as tackling fuel poverty and support for energy democracy and ‘climate jobs’.
  • Engage in campaigns which communicate the climate emergency. Lobby politicians, engage with local authorities and pursue an active dialogue with business, educational bodies, public bodies, community groups and local people.
  • Share clear advice, making use of experts locally and globally, and offer an educational forum for people to learn about personal steps they can take. “


So if you, like Lucy, are concerned about the damage we do to our environment, what can you do?

Of course, there are lots of well-versed practical actions we can take as individuals. Ampthill Climate Change Group has put together a useful ideas bank for individual action and another list for businesses to take action.  You may like to work with a group of friends or family to see how many of these you can achieve. 

Lucy’s advice is

“Join us (it’s free!), talk to loved ones and colleagues about the challenges. It’s about personal actions in your life (reducing your carbon footprint) but also campaigning at whatever level you feel you can. Knowing you’re not alone is empowering. “


There are lots of other organisations in Bedfordshire working hard to address Climate Change concerns and improve our environment, and many ways that you can join them to make a difference. You can browse our Green volunteering Opportunities for ideas.

One of the opportunities featured is from Groundwork East who are committed to “shining a light on the incredible community climate action taking place in our towns and cities across the East of England to put local people at the heart of a global conversation.”  One of their local projects in Luton involves provision of fresh produce supporting residents and addressing issues of food poverty across the town. Groundwork East Project Officer, Molly Rice, told us why it was important that their Community Food Growing Hubs responded to Luton’s poor air quality:

“Our community gardens reduce urban heat islands, taking in CO2, which is especially important in Luton where the airport has contributed to the town having the poorest air quality in the UK.

Only organic fruit and vegetables are grown at our gardens, we don’t use any pesticides or other fertilizers in our growing, fertilisers and pesticides can be damaging for other wildlife which helps the gardens to thrive e.g. hedgehogs.

Furthermore, they provide a green space for rain water, decreasing surface runoff and therefore the risk of flooding in the area. “

Volunteers at one of Groundwork Community Gardens showing off their produce.

You can volunteer to help at one of the hubs, or help Groundwork to set up a new hub.  Whilst most of the volunteering is done in the growing seasons, volunteers do meet together over winter months for indoor activities such as jam making, and crafts.  As well as doing something for the environment, you will be learning new skills, and getting out and meeting other members of your community. It is the same with many of the volunteering opportunities we have on offer with Simply Connect.

We have compiled a list of the organisations and opportunities for volunteering that we are aware of in Bedfordshire that relate to improving our environment and addressing the problem of Climate Change. Whether you are drawn to combating climate change, conservation, recycling, community clean ups or green transport, there is something local for you to get involved in and as well as playing your part, you will get to meet like minded people and be able to encourage one another to make that difference. 

Browse our Green volunteering Opportunities





The ‘Conference of the Parties’ is the UN climate summit taking place in Glasgow in November, hosted by the UK Government. It’s a really crucial opportunity to show ambition on global climate action but leadership from the wealthiest countries will be vital to get meaningful agreements.

Image of tree half healthy in fertile ground, half dead in cracked earth.  Text - How to be part of the solution


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